Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled in hand-to-hand combat (Skilled in hand-to-hand combat.), Weapon Mastery (Was trained in sword fighting by Rattleballs. Capable of firing crossbows.), Body Control (Can bend his limbs in inhuman ways.) Limited Fire Manipulation (Can create fire with the friction of his hands.), Astral Projection while paralyzed (When Finn is paralyzed, the deprival of his body movement enhances his mind, allowing him to communicate with astral beasts.), Limited Sound Manipulation (Can auto-tune his voice at will.), Ice Manipulation (Has the ability to create and control ice using ninja jutsu.), Telekinesis (Can move objects with his mind. Finn's telekinetic abilities are so powerful that Princess Bubblegum believes them to be a danger to both Finn himself and everyone around him.), Reality Warping via imagination (Finn and Jake can use their imagination to warp reality, making so whatever they imagine becomes real.)
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